Technical Co-Founder


Social Entrepreneurship
a year ago

About the Company/Team

ReHome is a groundbreaking online rental platform to serve the "welcoming rental market” in the US. Within this currently-informal market, federally-funded local resettlement agencies match incoming refugee families with landlords who will rent to this type of tenant. The US resettlement system depends on these arrangements as the only way to secure a safe home for families welcomed to our country. However, the traditional rental market has sidelined and stifled the welcoming rental market, and, as a result, the US will not reach even half of its refugee welcoming target in 2023. Within ReHome's online managed marketplace for rental housing, resettlement agencies and landlords can find tenant matches much more efficiently according to resettlement-specialized criteria. As the welcoming rental market becomes more efficient, ReHome will open more doors to new neighbors escaping conflict and instability.

About the Role

ReHome has a developing partnership with our primary customer, a national-level working group representing all resettlement agencies called Refugee Housing Solutions (RHS). During the next chapters of ReHome's development, the founder Joe Landis will continue to manage business decisions around the What (what features must be included in the platform) and the Why (why each process will add value to the resettlement system) of the online marketplace platform we are building for RHS. The key responsibility of the Technical Co-Founder will be to manage the How of bringing these strategic decisions to life in the form of an MVP and the eventual complete platform.

The founder has extensive contacts and sector knowledge within US resettlement agencies, and the timing of ReHome's development could not be more strategic. Our main client, RHS, is seeking a marketplace partner to power the massive increase in housing matches necessary to accomplish the Biden administration's goal of welcoming more refugees than ever in Fiscal Year 2024, starting in October. A co-founder should be ready to commit through 2024 to carry ReHome through delta v, summer piloting of the MVP, and at least the first iterations of the full platform in Winter 2023.

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